Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Endgame Is Here

The endgame is here so let's give a shout.
Congress does its best work when time's almost out.

Once dilly dally has been taken off the table,
The incapacitated suddenly become able.

The deadline that's looming focuses attention,
On a bipartisan deal which relieves the tension.

In the Senate the Leader is Harry Reid,
Who'll get the package through with remarkable speed.

Once that is done we should pray to the Lord,
For then Speaker Boehner must fall on his sword.

The Tea Party types will vote against,
Clinging to ideology instead of real world events.

In their way the economy will spin its tail,
Which is why others in the House cannot let the bill fail.

For this to work Boehner must haggle with Nancy,
That's something his party rather doesn't fancy.

Doing the right thing is political hara-kiri.
So forecasting this outcome I'm rather leery.

It's not much comfort to think this is Boehner's swan song.
Surely that's true even if on the rest I'm wrong.

His is a party that's now become split.
In leading the extremists he isn't fit.

And if that's his actual thinking.
He can keep this ship from sinking.

This prognostication is mainly vanity,
For the alternative path is complete insanity.

So on this Saturday morning there is reason to hope
That on Tuesday afternoon Congress doesn't say, "nope."

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